Category: Bits and pieces (Page 20 of 47)

Do what matters most

The book Accomplishing More by Doing Less by Marc Lesser is a collection of tools as well as a manual for doing more of what is important and less of what isn’t. It’s a great book and it made me think of what matters when it comes to my blogs.

I love to write but I am no longer keen on maintaining more blogs than really needed. A self-hosted WordPress blog requires maintenance, work behind the scen. My solution is that I cut down on the number of blogs I have plus use Posterous for some of my content.

Forty Plus Two will be discontinued, new posts will appear here in Bengt’s Notes which will be my main blog in English. I will gradually transfer older posts from Forty Plus Two to this blog.

Forty Plus Two focused on coaching and personal development plus some on related topics such as networking, business, job and career. They will continue here at Bengt’s Notes. Side topics like blogging and WordPress continue at Bengt’s posterous.

Under Archives is a description of what’s covered in this blog. My sites shows the whole picture, what do I cover where.

How about presenting naked?

Marion Chapsal, who helped me prepare my presentation at Øredev 2009, has posted about How to Give a “Presentation ZEN”. She mentions my book review, Presentation Zen is a great book.

Marion links to an older post in her blog, The Naked Speaker, which is really interesting. It’s about what happens when technology fails and presenting without slides, “naked” in the sense that it’s all about you.

Marion links to Make your next presentation naked at the Presentation Zen blog. That post has a lot of useful information, what stuck with me is this part:

try to share, help, inspire, teach, inform, guide, persuade, motivate

The intention with my presentation about coaching at Øredev 2009 was to share, inspire and motivate. Half of the time was presenting, the other half was questions and answers. I prefer the Q&A part since it becomes a conversation, it’s more interacting with your audience.

A Speaker’s Coach and Mentor

While preparing for my assignment as Speaker at Øredev 2009 I got help from Marion Chapsal who acted as speaker’s coach and mentor.

Marion switched between being a coach (encourage, challenge and support) and being a mentor (give advice, share experience and knowledge) depending on what was needed. She guided and supported me through my preparations which helped me get it all done and to feel confident when it was time for my presentation.

If you shall make an important presentation and want to improve your presentation skills then I suggest that you get in touch with Marion Chapsal.

Øredev 2009 is over

I was at Øredev 2009 November 2-6 and it was a terrific conference with lots of interesting presentations and around 900 attending. It was well organized and I really enjoyed it all.

On Monday I attended a full day tutorial with Marc Lesser.

On Tuesday I prepared the slides for my own presentation. In the evening it was Speaker’s Dinner at Rådhuset. Great people, great food and an impressive house.

On Wednesday I attended the track PM in Practice.

On Thursday I attended the track Aspects of Leadership where my own presentation was. In the evening we got an entertaining presentation by Ze Frank (an American online performance artist, composer, humorist and public speaker).

On Friday I spent some hours at the conference and then went back home.

Note! In the Archives at the Øredev site are videos from previous years.

Note! The videos from Øredev 2009 are starting to show up.

Aspects of Leadership at Øredev 2009

Thursday November 5 was the second day of Øredev 2009. I followed the track Aspects of Leadership which had this desciption:

Leadership is a fine balance between drive and the capability to efficiently and humanely manage people. The speakers invited to speak on this track have extensive experience of leadership in many different organizations and lines of business. You will learn to adjust your leadership style to reflect the circumstances you face, how to use coaching to improve collaboration in your projects and gain insight into the causes of destructive leadership behaviors.

The first session was No More Death by Meetings with Erik Lundh. The program said:

The Planning Pump is the emergent behavior observed for 10 years in and around agile teams that gets motivated to plan two weeks of work in just 60 minutes.

The essence of the presentation – as I understood it – was that if people know in advance what’s on the agenda (and that the meeting will only last 60 minutes) then they will prepare and connect in advance.

Next session was Understanding the origins of destructive leadership – Why bother with bad? with Leo Kant. The program said:

Studies explaining the causes of destructive leadership behaviors are very few. This presentation will cover two ongoing studies of such situational and individual antecedents of destructive leadership behaviors. One of the studies is conducted in a normal working environment. The second study investigates the antecedents of destructive leadership behavior in a crisis management simulation.

Leo Kant talked about constructive (good) leadership versus destructive (bad). Passive leadership is considered destructive. What’s interesting is that:
• Good and Bad are not opposites on the same scale.
• Bad and good co-exist.
• Bad is stronger than good.
• Most leaders do both.

My own presentation was titled Project success by helping project members realize their full potential and my core message was that Coaching brings out the best in individuals and in teams.

After me was Situational Leadership on Projects: Adopting Leadership Style to Conditions with J. Davidson Frame, PhD, PMP, Academic Dean at the University of Management and Technology, Arlington, Va. The program said:

On projects, you need to adjust your leadership style to reflect the circumstances you face.This presentation offers a framework for identifying appropriate leadership style, based on such factors as project size, time horizon, risk, complexity, novelty, and level of team cohesiveness. It also points out that you don’t need to have great charisma to be a good leader. Transactional leadership is often good enough. If you are really good at what you do, this will gain you followers.

We got an engaging introduction to Situational Leadership. He mentioned that Transformational leadership (think Martin Luther King) is 5% and Transactional leadership (think Jack Welch) is the remaining 95%.

Ending the track was Leif Dagsberg from Wenell Management AB who talked about ABC in Projects.

“A” stands for the activators and relates back to what actions we can take to make a preferred behavior happen. “B” is the behavior as a result of an activator. “C” means that we need to support the individual with consequences such as motivation. Psychological research tells us that If we want to change a Behavior, 80 % of the impact is related to our way of working with the Consequences of the changed behavior in comparison with working on different Activators.

Note! In the Archives at the Øredev site are videos from previous years. The 2009 videos will be there too.

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