Category: Bits and pieces (Page 12 of 47)

Manuscript found in Accra by Paulo Coelho

Tonight I finished reading “Manuscript found in Accra” by Paulo Coelho. It’s a book that kept me hooked and i read it in only a few sittings. Still, when I’ve finished the book it left me pretty empty. I marked some parts and there are some great quotes but I found nothing new that will affect my life.

The important thing is to get back on your feet. Only he who gives up is defeated. Everyone else is victorious.

Dreaming carries no risks. The dangerous things is trying to transform your dras into reality.

The following two quotes focus on you – the only person you’re able to change.

You will only be loved and respected if you love and respect yourself. Never try to please everyone; if you do, you will be respected by no one.

What is success? It is being able to go to bed each night with your soul at peace.

Site move and update

I have moved this site to another webhost. Setting up a new WordPress and importing my old data went smoothly. In connection with this move I also restructured my images (I keep them outside the blog in a gallery at one of my domains) which required updates on many posts. I think I’ve found them all and that images show up everywhere I intend to have one.

Letter from a mother

A friend of mine on Facebook tagged me in the photo below and to the letter in Spanish. Later a French translation turned up in that thread and I have found an English version.

That letter strikes a cord in me, it could have been written by my mother to me. We’re in that phase of life when the tables turn, she no longer manages on her own and I have to help her. Changes happened gradually and fairly slow during the last few years but lately it changed much faster. It’s hard to see your mother change like that, from independent and managing her own life to needing more and more help.

The letter in English

Please note that this is not a straight translation of the letters in French and Spanish below.

The day that you see me old I ask of you, please have patience and try to understand me.

If when we talk, I repeat a thousand times the same thing, do not interrupt me to tell me “you’ve already told me,” just listen to me please and remember the days when you were a kid and I was reading the same story night after night until you did fall asleep.

When I do not want to wash, do not scold me and especially do not try to make me feel guilty. Remember that I had to run after you with a thousand reasons for you to take your bath when you were young.

When you realize my ignorance on new technologies, give me time to learn, and especially do not do those big eyes and do not look so desperate. Remember my dear that I taught you how to do many things like eating properly, get dressed and comb your hair and how to cope with life events

The day you notice that I am getting old, please be patient and above all try to understand me. If at times I lose the memory or the thread of the conversation, give me time to remember if I can, do not become nervous, just know in your heart that what is most important is that you listen to me and I’ll be by your side.

And when my tired old legs can no longer walk as before, give me your hand, the same way as I did at your first steps. When that time comes, do not feel sad or incompetent. I ask only to be with me, understand me and try to help me with love as my life ends.

And with all this love for the gift of time and life we shared, I would thank you with a big smile and with such great affection I had for you all the time. I just want to tell you that I love you my dear daughter.

I found another English version at Dear son and daughter, take a look at the photos.

The letter in Spanish

Carta de una madre a su hija
Mi querida hija, el día que me veas vieja, te pido… por favor que tengas paciencia, pero sobre todo trata de entenderme. Si cuando hablamos, repito lo mismo mil veces, no me interrumpas para decirme “eso ya me lo contaste” solamente escúchame por favor. Y recordar los tiempos en que eras niña y yo te leía la misma historia, noche tras noche hasta que te quedabas dormida. Cuando no me quiera bañar, no me regañes y por favor no trates de avergonzarme, solamente recuerda las veces que yo tuve que perseguirte con miles de excusas para que te bañaras cuando eras niña. Cuando veas mi ignorancia ante la nueva tecnología, dame el tiempo necesario para aprender, y por favor no hagas esos ojos ni esas caras de desesperada. Recuerda mi querida, que yo te enseñé a hacer muchas cosas como comer apropiadamente, vestirte y peinarte por ti misma y como confrontar y lidiar con la vida. El día que notes que me estoy volviendo vieja, por favor, ten paciencia conmigo y sobre todo trata de entenderme. Si ocasionalmente pierdo la memoria o el hilo de la conversación, dame el tiempo necesario para recordar y si no puedo, no te pongas nerviosa, impaciente o arrogante. Solamente ten presente en tu corazón que lo más importante para mí es estar contigo y que me escuches. Y cuando mis cansadas y viejas piernas, no me dejen caminar como antes, dame tu mano, de la misma manera que yo te las ofrecí cuando diste tus primero pasos. Cuando estos días vengan, no te debes sentir triste o incompetente de verme así, sólo te pido que estés conmigo, que trates de entenderme y ayudarme mientras llego al final de mi vida con amor. Y con gran cariño por el regalo de tiempo y vida, que tuvimos la dicha de compartir juntas, te lo agradeceré. Con una enorme sonrisa y con el inmenso amor que siempre te he tenido, sólo quiero decirte que te amo, mi querida hija…

The letter in French

Lettre d’une mère à sa fille
ma chère fille, le jour où tu me verras vieille, je te demande…s’il te plait, aies de la patience, mais surtout essaies de me comprendre. Si lorsque nous parlons, je répète mille fois la même chose, ne m’interromps pas pour me dire “tu me l’as déjà raconté”, écoute moi seulement s’il te plait et rappelle toi de l’époque où tu étais enfant et que je te lisais la même histoire nuit après nuit jusqu’à ce que tu t’endormes. Lorsque je ne voudrai pas me laver, ne me gronde pas et surtout n’essaie pas de me culpabiliser, rappelle toi seulement les fois ou je dus te courir après avec mille excuses pour que tu prennes ton bain lorsque tu était petite. Lorsque tu te rendras compte de mon ignorance à l’égard des nouvelles technologies, donne moi le temps nécessaire pour apprendre, et surtout ne fais pas ces gros yeux ni ne prend pas cet air désespéré. Rappelle toi ma chérie que moi, je t’ai appris à faire beaucoup de choses comme manger correctement, t’habiller et te coiffer et comment faire face aux événements de la vie. Le jour où tu remarqueras que je me fais vieille, s’il te plait sois patiente et surtout essaie de me comprendre. Si par moment, je perds la mémoire ou le fil de la conversation, donne moi le temps nécessaire pour me souvenir si je le peux, ne t’énerve pas, ne soit pas arrogante, seulement vois dans ton coeur que ce qui est le plus important est que tu m’écoutes et que je sois à tes côtés. Et lorsque mes vieilles jambes fatiguées ne pourront plus marcher comme avant, donne moi la main, de la même façon que moi, je le fis lors de tes premiers pas. Lorsque ce moment viendra, ne te sens pas triste ni incompétente, je te demande seulement d’être auprès de moi, de me comprendre et d’essayer de m’aider avec amour pendant que ma vie s’achève. Et avec tout cet amour pour cadeau du temps et de la vie que nous avons partagée, je te remercierais avec un grand sourire et avec cette grande affection que j’ai eu pour toi tout le temps. Je veux simplement te dire que je t’aime ma chère fille….

You Don’t Call Me. I Call You

The business card below popped up on a friends wall on Facebook. It’s a card with attitude and the story behind how it ended up in the press can be read at The Best Business Card Ever: A Warren Buffett Story, Starring His Girl Friday, Devon Spurgeon.

The Huffington Post wrote about it too at Devon Spurgeon, Warren Buffett’s Chief Of Staff, Keeps Hilarious Business Card: ‘You Don’t Call Me. I Call You’.

For some occasions that kind of card can be useful but using a Gmail address is a bit generic. I, for fun, bought the domain which carries the message in a different way.

Vivo Barefoot Ra black

Vivo Barefoot Ra blackToday I took one step further in my transition to barefoot walking. I went to Fotkultur in Malmö and bought a pair of black Vivo Barefoot Ra.

The Ra is one of the most classic VIVOBAREFOOT styles to date. The sumptuous vegetable tanned leather upper sits on the original VIVOBAREFOOT sole. It’s a truly versatile shoe; smart enough for the office and stylish enough for a night out, offering barefoot health benefits from day-to-night.

Vivo Barefoot Ra blackI wanted real barefoot shoes which means no heal, no built in support and a thin flexible protective sole. The VivoBarefoot concept gives me that.

No heel, no midsole, no arch support, no gimmicks! VIVOBAREFOOT encourages us to move as million years of evolution intended – barefoot.

Ra features (from Terra Plana):
– Flexible.
– Ultra thin 3mm TPU sole.
– Puncture resistant.
– Vegetable tanned minimum chrome leather upper.

The lining is Naturetex 50 which is made from 50% recycled plastic bottles. I like the slogan, At Cosmo we strive to make the world we live in a better place.

Now I have barefoot or almost barefoot shoes for all occasions:
– Vivo Barefoot Ra is a more “dressed” shoe.
Keen Sayulita Lace is a leisure shoe.
Nike Free 3.0 V2 is for walking and running (when/if I want to run).
Keen Sun Valley Slipper is my indoor shoe, I’m usually barefoot at home.

Read more in the Tag Archives: barefoot.

Keen Sayulita Lace

I bought Keen Sun Valley Slipper in September and I really like them. Today I got my Keen Sayulita Lace. These are, just like the slipper, “barefoot” in style with almost no heal and a fairly flexible sole. The shoes are wide and really comfortable.

Perfect for your transition from work to play, week to weekend, Keen’s Sayulita lace-up shoes are made of soft, flexible suede and styled with a laid-back look.

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