Author: Bengt (Page 61 of 81)

Wherever you go there you are

A while back I finished a book by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Wherever you go there you are – Mindfulness Mediation in Everyday Life. I love Jon’s low key style. The book which consists of very short chapters, most of them only a few pages long, covers different aspects of mindfulness and meditation. There are also practices in many of the chapters. The easiest way to describe the book is to take part of the introduction:

In this book Jon Kabat-Zinn maps out a somple path for cultivating mindfulness in one’s own life. It speaks both to those coming to meditation for the first time and to longtime practitioners, anyone who cares deeply about reclaiming the richness of his or her moments.

Here comes some quotes from the book, texts that hooked me:

Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment and nonjudgementally.

Meditation is not about feeling a certain way. It is about feeling the way you feel.

Non-doing simply means letting things be and allowing them to unfold in their own way.

Meditation means cultivating a non-judging attitude towards what comes up in the mind, come what may.

Being whole and simultaneously part of a larger whole, we can change the world simply by chaing ourselves.

There is no successful escaping from yourself in the long run, only transformation.

And finally this reassuring quote:

You are already perfect.

See also:
Mindfulness with Jon Kabat-Zinn
Mindfulness for Beginners
Arriving at your own Door

This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.

Milk and Sugar

Yoga and my spiritual development makes me change gradually what I eat. The two things I focus on at present is to eliminate or at least cut down on sugar and dairy. When it comes to sweets I do not like the concept of artificial sweeteners, I avoid them completely.

Zen Habits has a great post about sugar: Beat the Sugar Habit: 3 Steps to Cut Sweets (Mostly) Out of Your Life. There is a list of the bad things with sugar as well as a list of tips on how to beat the sugar habit.

Epic Self raised an interesting question in “Dare We Eat Dairy?”:

When it comes to nutrition, the milk debate is probably as confusing and controversial as it gets. Is cow’s milk a cancer fighting, PMS subduing, osteoporosis preventing super food? Or is it just another multi-billion dollar industry working with the government to alter dietary guidelines in their favor?

It also says:

Today we tend to look to scientific evidence to tell us what and how much to eat. But, what happened to paying attention to how you personally feel after eating certain products? Tuning into the internal workings of your own body will give you some clues into how to moderate or in some cases eliminate dairy from your diet.

My own experience is that dropping sugar and dairy makes me feel better.

This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.

Finding Your Howl

As I mention in Lightworker I woke up one morning and had two words ringing in my head. The first one, ochoa, is Basque and means wolf. That did not ring any bell back then but today it makes sense. I came across Finding Your Howl over at ChangeThis.

To find our howl we have to pay a price… This process may feel like a death and may at its most intense terrify us and at its least unsettle us. This is the price of finding our howl, our own one of a kind authentic voice, and there is no way around it…

The only way out of our self-erected prison is to go through it completely. There is no quick escape, every square inch of our imprisonment must be touched and lived through before it can be abandoned.

About a week ago I had the phrase “Find my voice” spinning in my head. Like many I am searching for my authentic voice, my own howl. We hope it will be easy but as the e-book, says, it comes with a price.

This was originally posted at Zen And More, another blog of mine.

What I learned from Men with Pens

Note: This post refers to an older site of mine,, and is saved as lessons learned. Since then I no longer create my own layouts but the lessons are still useful when picking which layout to buy.

James and Harry from Men with Pens do site reviews in a great way written as stories, an older site of mine,, was reviewed in Drive-by-Shooting Sunday: Forty Plus Two. I responded in a similar style in This place is a mess (after the shooting). When they reviewed that blog it looked like this:

Below I show their review of my blog as quotes and then give my comments. As you can see I have changed my theme in many ways due to the review.

A small black and white symbol hung outside the white, discreet building that was so pale, it was almost invisible.

That small black sign was the Kanji character for Ki (Qi) but is now gone.

Quiet is how the site comes off. It’s so pale and white that it lacks enough impact to hold visitor interest at a first glance, and a first glance is just about all a person has to grab readers online. The blue is too quiet and gets eaten up by all the white.

In the old layout the only blue was the light blue in the navigation bar under the header. I agree that the site looked far too pale.

The banner is wasted space and should have a more representational image than the kanji. You can still go with that white minimalist look, but it would be a good idea to add some color and spice with exotic flowers or smooth river stones on a white background.

I consider selecting a suitable image for the header, for now I have changed the white background to blue. That gives more punch than before.

Also, the title of the site seems unclear and relevant as well. Are you forty-two years old? Why 42? What does 42 have to do with personal development and blogging? And why does the tagline tell us this is a blog? As visitors, we want to know what we’ll take away from this site, not what type of site it is. Create a tagline that tells us what we’ll get if we stay to read. There has to be some benefit in this for us.

The site name comes from The Answer to The Ultimate Question Of Life, the Universe and Everything, 40 + 2 = 42. The name Forty Plus Two as such does not have much to do with either personal development or blogging but in personal development we are searching for answers about life. The tagline has been changed, hopefully for the better.

“Well, what’s that mean?” This time James pointed to the small signs leading visitors around. “Last 25? 25 what?”

Last 25 lists the last 25 posts, that page is now moved in under Archives.

The navigation titles really aren’t clear, so we suggest adding some description there.

I will see how I can make the titles in the navigation bar easier to understand.

The font of the navigation also looks a little odd as a serif selection. The rest of the site (minus the title) is sans serif. Try to always be consistent with fonts and pick one to use throughout the site.

I have changed so that the same font is used everywhere except in the header where I want something else.

Reorganize the title tags as well. Put them in a logical order for readers. Tips would be first, then Books, then Categories then About, then Contact and have Archives tucked in there last.

I prefer to place Categories second, after the Home button, and will rearrange the others but have not yet decided in which order.

You also need Home in your navigation. While traveling around your site, we couldn’t get back to the main page easily and had to keep using our back button of our browser.

I have added a Home button. The blog title in the header was (and still is) clickable for home.

Indeed. In fact, there is so much text on the site that it all ends up blending together. The sidebar links resemble newspaper columns, and the overall font is tiny and hard to read. There are no images to make the experience more interesting.

The overall font is now larger. I usually have one image in each post, I agree that it improves looks as well as make it more interesting.

We also noticed that while the sidebar links look jammed like a newspaper, the content area for the main posts look oddly spaced out.

Sidebars are changed, more distinct headers, and the spacing in the content area is corrected.

Another issue we noticed is that the options at the bottom of each post (such as Leave a Comment) are terribly jammed together, again making it difficult to read what’s there.

I have adjusted that area, more space between lines which makes it easier to read.

Your About text gets completely lost in the sea of words, so make that stand out more and also punch up the text itself. It’s incredibly boring to read and while functional, it’s not benefit rich. Put some impact in that text. Get people excited, not snoozing!

I am working on a new About text and will style it so that it stands out more.

We suggest changing your RSS icon to one that is more appealing and move it down into the sidebar. It’s not in a bad location where it is, but moving it down gives you a chance to put something nice into your banner to add some visual impact. Also, it would replace that link to your RSS in the sidebar (though you should keep a link for “get updates via email instead”).

I like the icon with the man on the bench so I keep it for now. I picked a smaller version and moved the subscribe part from the header to the top of the sidebar.

Recent Posts, Recent Comments and Random Posts are all good choices. With some more space and hopefully a better choice of colors (pale blue on white is really tough to read), that area will look better and more inviting.

Colors are changed, a darker blue for links makes reading easier.

Find More in the Archives is just going overboard, though. Archives is in the navigation and people can find it. You have links already in the sidebar, and this extra feature becomes redundant. Take it out.

Done, that part is removed.

My Favorites is a nice touch, but there are too many links there. Keep lists of links down to 3, 5, or 7 to prevent option paralysis in readers. Also, put that My Favorites above the Random Posts, because people are more attracted to what someone else likes a lot versus something random pulled from anything.

I have reduced the number of My Favorites to seven and Random Posts are below.

This reorganization also means that, basically, you don’t need a three-column theme, and a two column theme would have been a better choice. You have no ad space, no funky widgets, no nothing but links, so you don’t need to capitalize on your above the fold real estate as much. Having a two column theme would be better and give you more space to add images to the posts instead.

I like three-column themes better that two column themes so I stick to three columns. There will be some ads later, for affilate links like Zen To Done.

The review made me see my theme in a different way and the changes I have done has – in my opinion – improved the look and feel of my blog.

This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.

This place is a mess (after the shooting)

Note: This post refers to an older site of mine,, and Drive-by-Shooting Sunday: Forty Plus Two.

I felt like I had been hit by a truck, my entire body was aching. My brain felt slow, like starting over and slowly getting up to speed. I realised that I lay on the sidewalk but could not remember why. Then I remembered a man pointing a gun at me saying “You want peace, buddy? I’ll bring you peace”. After that everything went dark.

After that darkness I had been somewhere bright and nice, now I was back in my old body. Somehow I had imagined reincarnation as starting fresh with a new body. A well, better a second chance in this one than not being back at all.

I got halfways up, sitting on the sidewalk, and looked around. My place looks a mess, whoever visited it had a fun day at the shooting range. I managed to get up and walked inside. Lots of bullet holes, shattered glass and dust. I walked around, those visitors seemed to have been all over the place. This was not an ordinary shoot and run, somehow there was a strategy behind it.

I noticed something shiny on the floor. I bent down and picked it up, it was a beautiful pen. The pen was not mine and it had not been there before, the hitmen must have dropped it. My brain was coming back to normal, there was something familar with men, pens and drive-by-shootings.

I walked slowly across the room, avoiding the shattered glass. The visitors had not bothered about my office at the back of the house, the door was pale like everything else and they probably had not seen it. I opened and went in, sat down in the chair and started my laptop. Google is a good thing, it turned out that those pen men kept a record of their hits. I browsed down the list and found Drive-by-Shooting Sunday: Forty Plus Two.

The mess they had created meant I had to clean up, fix the holes, paint and make it a nice place. I could restore it just as it had been or take the opportunity to make it a better and more attractive place. I noticed that the pen men, James and Harry, had made a lot of comments in their notes. Well, maybe – just maybe – I should read it a couple of times and see if there were some ideas I can use.

Image credit: Bird Eye.

See also: What I learned from Men with Pens

6 Responses to This place is a mess (after the shooting)

Akemi, spiritual entrepreneur @ Yes to Me says September 28, 2008 at 3:32 pm:
Don’t be too sad. The pen men’s intention is good when they go out for shooting. Mine got shot a month ago, and I’m working on improving it. (I’m a bit too wordy, too. . .)

I think you just need to be a bit clearer. Like, just a suggestion, if you say “42 — the ultimate answer” many people would know what you mean. But then, you are supposed to be funny as well as philosophical, so be sure that is what you want to do.

I know what that kanji is. You probably do some martial arts, right?

Bengt says September 28, 2008 at 4:52 pm:
I am not sad, I asked for the review and the pen men left lots of good suggestions. As you say, improving takes time but now I have some professional input for my future work.

I do need to work on the header and tag line, being philosophical can complicate things. No martial arts for me but I am interested in Asian philosophy. The kanji sign that I use stands for Ki (Qi) and means life force which has more connection to my coaching site than to this one.

Back to the drawing board…

James Chartrand – Men with Pens says September 28, 2008 at 8:53 pm:
Drawing boards are good. We revisit ours periodically as well 🙂

By the way, this response was funny as hell. Good on you, Bengt!

Bengt says September 29, 2008 at 5:37 am:
@James, Thanks, I really enjoyed writing like this. Which of course means I should do it more often

Toni says September 30, 2008 at 6:44 am:
Great response to the drive-by. They can be brutal, but they’re always right. I always visit a scheduled hit before they review it and they pick up on the key items that irritate me (and since I’m brilliant, that means they must be right!) Keep the faith and keep up the good work.

Bengt says September 30, 2008 at 7:38 am:
@Toni, The pen men do kill with style. There is a lot of good advice in their review and I will follow much of it.

This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.

Drive-by-Shooting Sunday: Forty Plus Two

Note: This post refers to an older site of mine, The original post is at Drive-by-Shooting Sunday: Forty Plus Two, written by James Chartrand.


James didn’t even glance up from where he stood at the kitchen counter, deep in concentration while he tried to fix the puzzle before him. “Hm?”

“What are you doing?”

“Trying to glue my coffee cup back together.” And it wasn’t working well. “I think this glue is old.” He set two pieces firmly into each other and pressed hard. “They keep falling apart. I knew I should have bought a souvenir cup from last week’s hit.”

“Yes, alright,” Harry acknowledged quietly. “But I mean… What are you doing? We’re supposed to be at a hit.”

“Hit?” This time James did look up. “What day is it?”

“Um, it’s Sunday, bro.” Harry waved the sheet of paper. “Number 40, Second Street. Remember?”

“Oh sonofabtich.” The blue ceramic pieces clattered to the counter. “You’re kidding me, right?”

“Nope.” Harry tossed the Glock in Jamie’s direction, and it smacked into a capable hand. “Car’s waiting. Let’s go.”

Today’s hit is for Forty Plus Two, the blog of Bengt Wendel. Here’s what the site looked like at the time of our hit:

“Wait, hang on.” James frowned and flipped the paper over. “Where’s the photo? They always give us a photo. How am I supposed to work without a photo?”

“We have directions,” Harry flipped the sheet back over and tapped the address as he drove through the city streets. “Isn’t that enough for a big boy like you? I’m sure once we get there you can-… Hey, is that it?”

A small black and white symbol hung outside the white, discreet building that was so pale, it was almost invisible.

“That?” James looked at the directions and then the building. “That quiet little thing?”

Quiet is how the site comes off. It’s so pale and white that it lacks enough impact to hold visitor interest at a first glance, and a first glance is just about all a person has to grab readers online. The blue is too quiet and gets eaten up by all the white.

Because there’s such a lack of color, our eyes start shifting immediately between the symbol on the right to the RSS icon in the right corner without even knowing what the site is about. That’s bad for traffic, because the first impression one should make with a visitor is that this site has what the person is looking for.

Also, while the RSS is prominent (and that would be good if it was the second thing that drew our eyes instead of the first), that particular icon always reminds us of some guy having a read while he’s sitting on the toilet.

“What’s that mean?” James pointed to the symbol on the sign.

“Dunno.” Harry shrugged. “It’s called a kanjii symbol.”

“Well, what good is that?” Amber eyes narrowed at the symbol that seemed to taunt him. “Do you think it means 42?”

“I doubt it,” Harry slowed the car and parked on the side of the quiet street.

And that’s a problem. The kanji symbol means nothing to most people and is irrelevant unless its translation would be 42. Be very careful when using cultural symbols and make sure people know what they mean before you use them.

The banner is wasted space and should have a more representational image than the kanji. You can still go with that white minimalist look, but it would be a good idea to add some color and spice with exotic flowers or smooth river stones on a white background.

Also, the title of the site seems unclear and relevant as well. Are you forty-two years old? Why 42? What does 42 have to do with personal development and blogging? And why does the tagline tell us this is a blog? As visitors, we want to know what we’ll take away from this site, not what type of site it is. Create a tagline that tells us what we’ll get if we stay to read. There has to be some benefit in this for us.

“Well, what’s that mean?” This time James pointed to the small signs leading visitors around. “Last 25? 25 what?” He had no temptation to go visit that area of the site simply because he didn’t know where it would go and didn’t have enough reason to care. “Oh, hey, you can get tips here,” he pointed to another sign. “I don’t know what kind of tips, but there you go.”

“Could be stock exchange tips,” Harry grinned.

“Or tips on dating,” James grinned back.

The navigation titles really aren’t clear, so we suggest adding some description there. What kind of books? Self-help? Zen? Blogging? What kind of tips? If you want readers to click because they want what you have, tell them what you have and don’t make them guess at it.

The font of the navigation also looks a little odd as a serif selection. The rest of the site (minus the title) is sans serif. Try to always be consistent with fonts and pick one to use throughout the site.

Reorganize the title tags as well. Put them in a logical order for readers. Tips would be first, then Books, then Categories then About, then Contact and have Archives tucked in there last. Remove the Last 25 – it’s just a list of posts and you should have enough in your sidebar to provide people with reading material.

You also need Home in your navigation. While traveling around your site, we couldn’t get back to the main page easily and had to keep using our back button of our browser.

They’d gotten out to wander the deserted building. There was an empty feel to it, though Harry tried to explain to James that the mood the owner had been going for was peaceful. As far as James was concerned, the place just felt hollow and lonely from all that ghostly white.

“Wow, check it,” he peeked inside a window at the rolls and rolls of scrolls. “Man. Someone could get lost reading in there. I’ve never seen so much text in all my life.”

“Tell me about it.” Harry glanced at the shelves, the walls, the floor. Text everywhere. “I’d be interested in reading, but there’s so much to read that it all looks like too much work.”

Indeed. In fact, there is so much text on the site that it all ends up blending together. The sidebar links resemble newspaper columns, and the overall font is tiny and hard to read. There are no images to make the experience more interesting. When people see too much text, they don’t want to bother reading.

We also noticed that while the sidebar links look jammed like a newspaper, the content area for the main posts look oddly spaced out. Nothing seems particularly connected. We’d add some bullets in the sidebar to help readers see where they need to go and guide them, and we’d reduce the spacing in the content area, again to help them read.

Another issue we noticed is that the options at the bottom of each post (such as Leave a Comment) are terribly jammed together, again making it difficult to read what’s there.

We’d also definitely add some images and color to break up the monotony of text, white and blue. Since this is a personal developoment blog, the look of the site has to grab the reader and motivate them as much as the content. It’s just not doing that.

“Hey! Check it!” James pointed to the sign on the wall. “Skellie came by! Wait- hang on…” The wheels were turning. “You think she’s still around?” He gripped his gun tighter and James’ whole body went tense as a wire. “Look, this could be dangerous. I thought this was a hit, not a showdown.”

“Relax. She’s long gone.” Harry pointed to the date. “Besides,” he slapped James on the back. “I thought you liked her.”

“I do. Smart cookie. Doesn’t mean she’s not the enemy, though. Who knows who she’s working for?”

“Some Rowse guy in Australia, I heard.” Harry hitched his chin at Jamie’s gun. “Put the safety back on, will you? You’re making me nervous.”

Before the safety goes on, it’s time to take some shots at your sidebar.

Your About text gets completely lost in the sea of words, so make that stand out more and also punch up the text itself. It’s incredibly boring to read and while functional, it’s not benefit rich. Put some impact in that text. Get people excited, not snoozing!

We suggest changing your RSS icon to one that is more appealing and move it down into the sidebar. It’s not in a bad location where it is, but moving it down gives you a chance to put something nice into your banner to add some visual impact. Also, it would replace that link to your RSS in the sidebar (though you should keep a link for “get updates via email instead”).

Recent Posts, Recent Comments and Random Posts are all good choices. With some more space and hopefully a better choice of colors (pale blue on white is really tough to read), that area will look better and more inviting.

Find More in the Archives is just going overboard, though. Archives is in the navigation and people can find it. You have links already in the sidebar, and this extra feature becomes redundant. Take it out.

My Favorites is a nice touch, but there are too many links there. Keep lists of links down to 3, 5, or 7 to prevent option paralysis in readers. Also, put that My Favorites above the Random Posts, because people are more attracted to what someone else likes a lot versus something random pulled from anything.

This reorganization also means that, basically, you don’t need a three-column theme, and a two column theme would have been a better choice. You have no ad space, no funky widgets, no nothing but links, so you don’t need to capitalize on your above the fold real estate as much. Having a two column theme would be better and give you more space to add images to the posts instead.

“Medlev?” The message on the window caught James’ attention. “What’s that mean?” It was the third cryptic message he’d found so far. It felt like the building’s owner knew all sorts of secrets and had codes all over the place. “I’m not liking this. You think this guy is in the Secret Service? Or is this a cult? The Medlevs… Has a nice ring to it.”

“Mm. I doubt it,” Harry rubbed his chin. “Whatever Medlev means, I don’t like reading messages on glass.” Especially pale blue ones, because he had a hard time distinguishing between the words to read and the upside-down letters unless he focused hard. “I’m tired of glass,” he decided, reaching out to smash the window with the butt of his gun.

“I’m with you there.” James leaned into the window and took aim at the black and white symbol. “Watch this.” He peppered off the bullets like a cop, and when he was done, a smoking smiley face covered the kanjii.

“That’s not very respectful,” Harry rolled his eyes, but he started taking single shots at all his pet peeves. First the small writing on the scrolls. Then the newpaper columns stuck to the wall. Then the pale blue stripe that couldn’t pass for décor.

Then a shout rang out. “Hey! Hey, what are you doing? That’s my home!”

Both boys whipped around. A tough-looking guy with the shades grimaced at them from across the street. He started to run over with blood in his eye.

James was ready to run, but Harry held out a hand. “Hang on.” He stood his ground and lifted the gun. “You want peace, buddy? I’ll bring you peace.”

And two seconds later, the victim found the peace of eternity from where he lay on the sidewalk.

“Dude.” James stared down at the body, then looked up a Harry. “That’s not very zen of you.”

“Hey.” Harry holstered his gun and headed for the car. “You can’t always have all the fun. Besides,” he opened the door, ready to head home for some R&R. “I really hate glass effects.”

Comments on Men with Pens

Bengt – Forty Plus Two says September 28, 2008 at 8:01 am:
“And two seconds later, the victim found the peace of eternity from where he lay on the sidewalk.”

I better believe in reincarnation so that I can read your review and consider what you point at.

I’ll be back…

Bengt – Forty Plus Two says September 28, 2008 at 4:50 pm:
Thanks a lot for the review!
It gives me things to consider and I have already done some minor changes. Getting an outsider view, and a professional one, makes things obvious that you do not see when you live with your own site and your own theme.

My own posts

This place is a mess (after the shooting)
What I learned from Men with Pens

This blog post is saved here to make sure the beginning of the story is available.

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