Author: Bengt (Page 59 of 81)

Pixie colour picker

If you ever wonder which colors that are used at a website or blog then Pixie is the tool for you.

Pixie is an easy-to-use, fast and tiny utility designed especially to fit the needs of Webmasters and Designers. Its a colour picker that includes a mouse tracker. Run it, simply point to a colour and it will tell you the hex, RGB, HTML, CMYK and HSV values of that colour. You can then use these values to reproduce the selected colour in your favorite programs.

Worry does not help

Today I came across this quote:

Worry doesn’t help tomorrow’s troubles, but it does ruin today’s happiness.

It really says a lot, worry does not solve problems – it only ruins the now.

Goals, guidelines and keywords

Chris Brogan writes about Your 3 Goals for 2009. He boils it down to three keywords.

Try setting your three words far out on the horizon, but such that they can lead you to your goals every day. Meaning, can you use the same word to get you started, but have it still be relevant when you’re almost at the big goal?

I admit that at first I thought that having only three words would be a limitation but I have changed my mind. Boiling it down to a few words makes me flexible and agile, it is easy to check new things and ideas against those words.

  • If it matches all my keywords – go for it.
  • If it matches none of my keywords – drop it.
  • If it matches some of my keywords – can it be modified (with reasonable effort) to match all my keywords then go for it, otherwise drop it.

I posted My Best Year Yet 2009 which is my guidelines and goals for 2009. My keywords shall contain the essence of my guidelines and goals for 2009 but also be in line with my inner compass and life purpose. I picked these keywords:

  • Trust covers “trust my inner voice”, build trust and be trustworthy.
  • Connect goes outwards (connect to more people in real life and virtually, be visible and valuable) as well as inwards (connect to my inner self).
  • Grow covers grow my business, see Key Coaching, and grow as a person. It includes Learn and Share. I am a life long learner, sharing knowledge and ideas is fun.

It feels as if these three key words are based on my inner values and will last for more than just 2009.

Credit: Photo by JoF.

Read more:
Your Best Year Yet – The 10 questions that will change your life forever

This was originally posted at Forty Plus Two, another blog of mine.

What The Bleep Do We Know!?

I know I am late on this but last night I watched the movie What The Bleep Do We Know!? and I loved it. The movie is an interesting mix, sharing knowledge and ideas but also raising questions.

The following quote stuck in my mind, it fits perfectly with my inquisitive mind.

Don’t be in the know, be in the mystery.

I got so interested that I have ordered the book which is an extension to the movie. In this case the movie came first.

This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.

My Best Year Yet 2009

I have been working with the book Your Best Year Yet – The 10 questions that will change your life forever and figured I should put my result on my blog. Two reasons for that, putting pressure on myself and hopefully to inspire others to work with that book.

My guidelines

• Trust my heart and inner truth.
• Face the music!
• Do what I love.

New paradigm.

I create my own destiny.

Major focus.

My own business, with focus on coaching.

My top ten goals.

  1. Care for my mind – body – spirit.
  2. Be visible and valuable.
  3. Build a profitable business.
  4. Build friendships.
  5. Network locally – with a purpose, in real life.
  6. Create and follow a blogging schedule.
  7. Network virtually – with a purpose.
  8. Become a certified coach.
  9. Maintain and rebuild family connections.
  10. Be flexible!

I put taking good care of myself as goal one simply since if I am not well then everything else will falter too.

Credit: Photo by JoF.

This was originally posted at Forty Plus Two, another blog of mine.

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