This song, a lovely mantra, is part of Children Beyond.
I have another CD from the Beyond project, Beyond – Three Voices For Peace.
Watch the video below or at YouTube Tina Turner – Sarvesham Svastir Bhavatu (Peace Mantra).
This song, a lovely mantra, is part of Children Beyond.
I have another CD from the Beyond project, Beyond – Three Voices For Peace.
Watch the video below or at YouTube Tina Turner – Sarvesham Svastir Bhavatu (Peace Mantra).
I came across this song, love both the song and the video.
Watch the video below or at YouTube Santana – While My Guitar Gently Weeps.
I really love this song. Watch it on Youtube at Bahamas – All The Time or below.
I woke up today with this song playing in my mind. Watch it on YouTube at Bahamas – Lost In The Light or below.
I really love this song and video.
You can watch the video below or on YouTube at Bond – Victory
A concert version of the song can be seen at Victory – Andre Rieu and BOND.
I subscribe to information from TED, a great source for presentations that inspire, teach, entertain and make you think. Some days ago I got a link to “Mac Barnett: Why a good book is a secret door” and I watched it today. It’s for kids of all ages. Mac talks about truth, fiction, lies, wonder and a blue whale. There’s even a Venn diagram…
Watch the video below or at TED: Mac Barnett: Why a good book is a secret door.
A friend on Facebook posted a link to Sharon Robinson – Invisible Tattoo. I have played that song many times today on YouTube, in the end I bought it from iTunes.
Update February 5. I really love her voice and bought four more songs from the same record.
Through Facebook I came across Pentatonix Performs The A Cappella Version Of ‘Little Drummer Boy’ You’ve Been Waiting For at Huffington Post. It’s a very beautiful version of the song. I love it so much that I bought their Christmas album “PTXmas (Deluxe edition)” from iTunes.
A friend on Facebook posted a link to Adele – Rolling In The Deep, I watched it and got really hooked. I have played it many times.
Just like with Emmylou Harris in Six White Cadillacs, the possibility to listen to the entire song made me go and buy it on iTunes.
I am a fan of Emmylou Harris on Facebook which had a link to Emmylou Harris: Six White Cadillacs on YouTube. It’s a great song (see video below) and after watching it several times I bought the song at iTunes.
I found First Listen: Emmylou Harris, ‘Hard Bargain’, free streaming on NPR of the entire CD, through Timber and Steel.
Free listening is great marketing. I had no intention to buy the CD but after listening several times to the NPR stream of it I ended up buying five more songs (six in all). That would not have happened could I not listen to them first.
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