Tag: Goals (Page 3 of 3)

I walk my talk

Coaching often is about goals and making dreams come through. I got my coach training in the fall of 2007. During 2008 I have shared my time between Logica and my own coaching business. My heart is in coaching, I have found my passion, yet I stayed at Logica.

When Logica in December decided to downsize a window of opportunity opened for me. I got an offer to leave on short notice, we signed the deal today. This means I leave Logica at the end of December and from 2009 it is my coaching business that gets my undivided attention.

This will be an interesting ride, I intend to make 2009 my best year yet, wish me luck.

This was originally posted at Forty Plus Two, another blog of mine.


When I woke up today I had two words spinning in my head. The first one, ochoa, is Basque and means wolf. That does not ring any bell so I guess it was not important after all. The other word was lightworker which I had to look up. At Wikipedia it said:

Lightworkers are people who feel inspired to help others through “Shining Their Light”, teaching, spiritual meditation, healing, prayer, writing and speaking with Universal Love.

This makes more sense and I searched for more information. At Steve Pavlina I found a very interesting post about something he calls the Lightworker Syndrome.

This is what happens when someone wakes up to a higher level of consciousness, but they can’t figure out how to live on purpose and feed themselves at the same time.

Steve Pavlina ends his post with a quote by Marianne Williamson. The quote starts like this:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

I have found my passion but there is also my spiritual interest. Now I need to figure out how to make a living from my passion and spiritual interest.

This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.

My own goals for 2008

It is that time of the year again. A year break is a good time to look back at what went right (or wrong) and to plan ahead. I have set my goals for 2008, divided into personal ones and professional ones. They are about changes I want to make, what is already working will hopefully continue to do so.

My professional goals are these:

1. Organize and simplify
Zen To Done is a simple system to get you more organized and productive, and keep your life saner and less stressed. Even though it is a simple system it is about changing habits. My goal is to have all ten habits in place by the end of 2008. Since it takes about a month to make a new habit stick there are work to be done. I have already started on some of the habits, read more here. And here is about Turning 2008 into 80-20.

2. Coaching
During the fall I took an ICF certified coach training and got my diploma on November 29. Coaching starts out as a sidekick but my goal for 2008 is to turn my coaching into a viable business.

3. Networking
I have a profile at XING and a profile at LinkedIn. My goal for 2008 is to make my network more active. Plus that I intend to strengthen my real life network, people I can meet.

My personal goals are these:

1. Staying inquisitive
Being curious is what keeps me going and a great way to learn new things. It works today and for next year I will keep in mind not to let it slip because there are much else to do.

2. Exercise more
I do ten minutes of yoga every morning and do walk often, for instance at lunch on workdays. My goal for 2008 is to add more yoga, most likely at home, to walk more and also walk more out in the nature.

3. Eat healthier
It started to change under 2007. Next year I want it to get even better.

My horoscope at Google says this today:

You could be tempted to overlook current responsibilities in order to put your grandiose schemes into play. Sure, this can mean fun, but don’t jump into the fire until you are sure what you’ll do when it gets hot.

I think I will opt for a nice mix of Life, plans and opportunities.

Note: Photo by Peter Kaminski.

This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.

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