Tag: Books (Page 2 of 8)

Katie in love (review)

It’s funny how we can find great books. I was going from author website to author website one day and ended up at Chloe Thurlow. I started reading her blog and was hooked by her way of writing. That lead me to order Chloe’s latest book “Katie in love” and as you can see in the review below I really love that book.

My review of Katie in love

Katie meets Tom at a New Year’s Eve party. Their first meeting leads to much more, life changes for both of them. The book tells the story of their romance and gives glimpses into Katie´s past. At first glance Katie and Tom have nothing in common, during the book they find a shared passion not only for each other. It’s a great story about how love makes unexpected people connect and dare to ride on the current love creates, even when the future is unknown.

Chloe Thurlow is marvelous with words. Sometimes she paints detailed pictures, you really feel as if you’re there (a fly on the wall). At other times she paints in broader strokes to carry the story forward. I love the way the book is written.

To me the hallmark of a really great book is that it awakens something in me, that it makes me think and feel. Katie in love did that.

Don’t let the label erotic scare you off, it’s a great romantic novel including some erotic scenes.

Katie in Love at The Book Depository.

Katie In Love at Amazon.com.

Katie in Love at Amazon UK.

Truth, fiction, lies, wonder and a blue whale.

I subscribe to information from TED, a great source for presentations that inspire, teach, entertain and make you think. Some days ago I got a link to “Mac Barnett: Why a good book is a secret door” and I watched it today. It’s for kids of all ages. Mac talks about truth, fiction, lies, wonder and a blue whale. There’s even a Venn diagram…


Watch the video below or at TED: Mac Barnett: Why a good book is a secret door.

The fifth agreement

I like The Four Agreements, they are great. Now I have started reading “The fifth agreement” by Miguel and Jose Ruiz. That’s a different story, I feel a resistance towards the book and switch between a decision to finish the book (as a learning experience) and stop reading it.

The fifth agreement is “Be skeptical but learn to listen” and I agree with that. It, to me, goes really well with the concept in Your teacup is full (Empty your cup). To listen with an open mind is terrific.

I think my problem with the book “The fifth agreement” is due to that there’s a clash between the fifth agreement and the tone of the book. The authors have all the answers, no room for being skeptic there.

Thrive and success

I have considered the book “Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Happier Life” by Arianna Huffington for a while but couldn’t make up my mind. Seth Godin posted a short review, “What does success look like now?”, over at hugdug. The text below is part of that.

Most people use the word more in association with success.

More money, more power, more friends, more fame.

It’s easy to see how we end up with more, because in a scarcity-based industrial economy, that’s how capitalists and those trained to work in the system win.

Arianna Huffington, a tireless, generous, wise soul is asking us to take a few hours to think deeply about whether more of the usual stuff is all there is.

What about: More meaning. More sleep. More connection… What about making a difference to yourself and the people around you?

The bold text is my edit, that sentence motivated me to order the book.

The Rosie Project

While waiting at the station in Malmö I browsed the PocketShop store. I often do that, browse a book store without intent to buy anything. Books matter to me and give me a lot. I noticed “The Rosie Project” book and picked it up. It’s marketed as fun and entertaining. A quick look inside supported that, I bought the book as a fun read. Little did I know that the book would mean a lot more to me.

Love isn’t an exact science – but no one told Dan Tillman. A handsome thirty-nine-year-old geneticist, Don’s never had a second date. So he derives The Wife Project, a scientific test to find the perfect partner. Enter Rosie – the world’s most incompatible woman – throwing Don’s safe, ordered life into chaos. Just what is this unsettling, alien emotion he’s feeling?

Don, the main character, is a control freak (in my eyes). He lives a very strictly planned life, routines are king. Don has for instance a weekly dinner plan that’s repeated each and every week. He has many logical reasons for that. Don also is socially awkward, he’s lousy at picking up cues and goes through life sometimes acting more like a robot.

When I discussed the book with a friend I realized what made the book itch. Don is an exaggerated version of how I’ve been (and sometimes still am). The book mirrored some of my own experiences in life. My friend suggested that I should read the book with that in mind. This turned the book into a personal development book for me.

The book shows me, again, the power of stories. Lessons included in a story are much easier to grasp than a more fact based approach.

What I took with me from the book

It’s OK to be wired differently.

Too much thinking complicates things and life.

Life works better when we drop the excessive parts of our planning.

What brightens our lives is often the unexpected events, people we meet because we open up.

When great things happen – trust your guts and enjoy them!

The Rosie Project

The Book Depository: The Rosie Project

Manuscript found in Accra by Paulo Coelho

Tonight I finished reading “Manuscript found in Accra” by Paulo Coelho. It’s a book that kept me hooked and i read it in only a few sittings. Still, when I’ve finished the book it left me pretty empty. I marked some parts and there are some great quotes but I found nothing new that will affect my life.

The important thing is to get back on your feet. Only he who gives up is defeated. Everyone else is victorious.

Dreaming carries no risks. The dangerous things is trying to transform your dras into reality.

The following two quotes focus on you – the only person you’re able to change.

You will only be loved and respected if you love and respect yourself. Never try to please everyone; if you do, you will be respected by no one.

What is success? It is being able to go to bed each night with your soul at peace.

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