VIVOBAREFOOT has a radical concept for their shoes:

No heel, no midsole, no arch support, no gimmicks! VIVOBAREFOOT encourages us to move as million years of evolution intended – barefoot.

In their Barefoot section is information, including an ebook about “Proprioception: Making sense of Barefoot running

Interesting facts about the foot:

With 200,000 nerve endings, 33 major muscles, 28 bones, 19 ligaments; the human foot is a biomechanical masterpiece.

I’m interested in barefoot walking and running (in shoes like these) but I’m not ready for that yet. Decades wearing shoes has to be unlearnt and I believe that’s best done gradually.

Read more about Vivo Barefoot:

Vivo Barefoot: Is This the Best Shoe for Learning to Run and Walk Barefoot?
Vivo Barefoot: Bare your soles with ethical trainers
Putting Vivo Barefoot Shoes Through Their Paces