A while back I finished a book by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Wherever you go there you are – Mindfulness Mediation in Everyday Life. I love Jon’s low key style. The book which consists of very short chapters, most of them only a few pages long, covers different aspects of mindfulness and meditation. There are also practices in many of the chapters. The easiest way to describe the book is to take part of the introduction:
In this book Jon Kabat-Zinn maps out a somple path for cultivating mindfulness in one’s own life. It speaks both to those coming to meditation for the first time and to longtime practitioners, anyone who cares deeply about reclaiming the richness of his or her moments.
Here comes some quotes from the book, texts that hooked me:
Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment and nonjudgementally.
Meditation is not about feeling a certain way. It is about feeling the way you feel.
Non-doing simply means letting things be and allowing them to unfold in their own way.
Meditation means cultivating a non-judging attitude towards what comes up in the mind, come what may.
Being whole and simultaneously part of a larger whole, we can change the world simply by chaing ourselves.
There is no successful escaping from yourself in the long run, only transformation.
And finally this reassuring quote:
You are already perfect.
See also:
Mindfulness with Jon Kabat-Zinn
Mindfulness for Beginners
Arriving at your own Door
This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.
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