Tag: Change (Page 6 of 8)

I walk my talk

Coaching often is about goals and making dreams come through. I got my coach training in the fall of 2007. During 2008 I have shared my time between Logica and my own coaching business. My heart is in coaching, I have found my passion, yet I stayed at Logica.

When Logica in December decided to downsize a window of opportunity opened for me. I got an offer to leave on short notice, we signed the deal today. This means I leave Logica at the end of December and from 2009 it is my coaching business that gets my undivided attention.

This will be an interesting ride, I intend to make 2009 my best year yet, wish me luck.

This was originally posted at Forty Plus Two, another blog of mine.


When I woke up today I had two words spinning in my head. The first one, ochoa, is Basque and means wolf. That does not ring any bell so I guess it was not important after all. The other word was lightworker which I had to look up. At Wikipedia it said:

Lightworkers are people who feel inspired to help others through “Shining Their Light”, teaching, spiritual meditation, healing, prayer, writing and speaking with Universal Love.

This makes more sense and I searched for more information. At Steve Pavlina I found a very interesting post about something he calls the Lightworker Syndrome.

This is what happens when someone wakes up to a higher level of consciousness, but they can’t figure out how to live on purpose and feed themselves at the same time.

Steve Pavlina ends his post with a quote by Marianne Williamson. The quote starts like this:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

I have found my passion but there is also my spiritual interest. Now I need to figure out how to make a living from my passion and spiritual interest.

This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.

Institutions vs. collaboration

Over at TED is a talk from 2005 by Clay Shirky about Institutions vs. collaboration. It is a very interesting talk about how closed groups and companies will give way to looser networks. Clay talks about institutions compared to collaboration, like Microsoft versus Linux. He shows the graphs behind the 80-20 rule, few contribute a lot and many contribute very little. Still, the small contributions can be very valuable.

Clay mentions Flickr and their tagging feature that makes it easy to find photos on a topic regardless of who uploaded that photo.

Clay also talks about Meetup, with the tag line Meetup Groups meet face-to-face to pursue hobbies, network, get support, make friends, find playgroups, and how that system is used as a tool for stay at home moms to create a real life social network.

This was originally posted at Forty Plus Two, another blog of mine.

To learn and grow

Browsing around among blogs I came across “Transforming Stress Into Personal Power” and read about Jean and her basic philosophy.

Stay curious and open to life. No matter what happens keep learning and growing. Find what you love to do and find a way to share it with others.

This is a lot like my own philosophy, be open to life and follow your inquisitive mind. I enjoying learning and sharing, that is the main reason why I blog.

This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.

Do Less, Achieve More

I have finished Do Less, Achieve More by Chin-Ning Chu. The subtitle is Discover the hidden power of giving in. The book is divided into three parts, each one dealing with one of the three secrets which are:

  1. Fine-tune your actions
  2. Put your mind at ease
  3. Discover the divine power

Under finetuning your actions is a list of 18 tips. There is also this gem about time management, it is worth repeating that:

Time management is about managing ourselves, not about managing time.

A part in this section is called ‘Life is full’, looking back we have always filled our 24 hours. But did we do what we really wanted to do?

Success is not about having more. It is about fine-tuning your understanding of what you are willing to give up in order to get what you really want.

The conclusion for fine-tuning: Trade what does not work for what you really want.

The second section, put your mind at ease, is about accepting divine guidance. Life is a school, unless you complete your lessons at each phase you do not get to move forward.

In the third section, discover the divine power, it states that as long as we are reacting we have lost sight of our own agenda. The author wants us to find our point of restfulness which makes it possible to stay in control. She mentions mediatation and intuition as tools for this, the books describes six techniques.

I have mixed feelings about the book since to me it revealed no secrets but I guess that depends on where we are in our own progress.

This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.

Leave the door open

At Pick The Brain is a post about The Other Side of Productivity: Coincidences, Synchronicity, and Serendipity. The post lists “Three Methods for Attracting Coincidences and Serendipity”.

Believing in the phenomenon of coincidences and serendipity does not mean that you shun work and sit cross-legged waiting for the universe to deliver your dreams to your doorstep. It simply means that you plan your days utilizing the best organization and scheduling tools, tips, and advice you can find, while leaving the door open to startling, dramatic occurrences.

It is a great post and I love the final sentence: Plan your day, but expect for things even better than those that you have planned to happen.

This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.

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