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The quick and easy way to effective speaking

I have read The quick and easy way to effective speaking by Dale Carnegie. The book is outdated in examples, copyright is in 1962. Still, there are useful tips about public speaking in the book. Here are some of my notes based on the book.

Every talk has one of four major goals. Pick the one that suits you, the audience and the occasion.
1. To persuade or get action.
2. To inform.
3. To impress and convince.
4. To entertain.

Notes about preparation and delivery.
• Only the prepared speaker deserves to be confident.
• Be sure you are excited about your subject.
• Be eager to share your talk with your listeners.
• The listeners shall feel that what you say is important to them.
• Talk in terms of your listeners’ interests.

Ask yourself how knowledge of your subject will help your audience solve their problems and achieve their goals. In other words, “What’s in it for them?” Then proceed to show them that, and you will have their full attention.

If the purpose of your talk is to inform then make the talk easy to listen to and easy to remember.

If your aim is to convince, remember that it is more effective to stir emotions than to arouse thoughts. Feelings are more powerful than cold ideas.

The book mentions the classic recipe for a talk: First tell them what you are going to tell them; then tell them; then tell them what you told them.

If you ever get to introduce a speaker, follow the T-I-S formula:
+ T stands for topic (of the speech).
+ I stands for importance, connect topic and audience.
+ S stands for speaker, introduce him/her.

Slide design: No bullet points

Lifehacker writes about Take your PowerPoint slides Beyond Bullet Points where it says that Bullet points on a screen make information harder to understand, not easier.

In PowerPoint slide design – the basics Olivia Mitchell focuses on design tips for the Assertion-Evidence format. At the top of the slide is a simple sentence which expresses the message of the slide, the assertion. The rest of the slide supports that assertion. There are more tips in PowerPoint slide design – adding elegance and in The Top 7 PowerPoint slide designs.

PowerPoint Design in 2009: Six most recommended tips is a great post and I totally agree with this statement:

The slides should be simple, clear and easy to understand.

The third tip One idea per slide is a great one, it goes well with the Assertion-Evidence format mentioned above.

Read more:
Here’s a quick way to make over a bullet-point slide
New evidence that bullet-points don’t work
How to persuade other people to ditch the bullets

Learn from why Mashable rules the social media

Marko Saric at HowToMakeMyBlog writes about 9 reasons why Mashable rules the social media. It’s a great post since it list and explains nine reasons which gives you a chance to see what might work for you and your blog.

Under reason eight it says:

There is original reporting and there is curation, which is just as hard, saying, “This is what’s out there, this is why it is important.” Both have their places, and it’s not a case of either or.

I like the curation, like to share what I find and try to say why I think it’s important.

Tools of my trade

I came across a beautiful photo on Flickr, Tools of my trade.. It’s all rights reserved so you have to go there to see it. The text for that photo says:

Not a museum shot just an old fashioned bloke with a love for old fashioned tools.

Creative Business Valuation

37Signals posts a press release stating that 37SIGNALS VALUATION TOPS $100 BILLION AFTER BOLD VC INVESTMENT. The press release starts like this:

37signals is now a $100 billion dollar company, according to a group of investors who have agreed to purchase 0.000000001% of the company in exchange for $1.

Founder Jason Fried describes one way – quite commonly used by startups – to increase the value of a company:

In order to increase the value of the company, 37signals has decided to stop generating revenues. “When it comes to valuation, making money is a real obstacle. Our profitability has been a real drag on our valuation,” said Mr. Fried. “Once you have profits, it’s impossible to just make stuff up. That’s why we’re switching to a ‘freeconomics’ model. We’ll give away everything for free and let the market speculate about how much money we could make if we wanted to make money. That way, the sky’s the limit!”

I love this post, creative and inspiring. First comment says ‘shoulda waited to post this on April 1st’ but the impact is higher now.

To see what 37Signals really stand for, go to Simple small business software, collaboration, CRM: 37signals. They have interesting software solutions that I intend to look at.

Marketing with an attitude

I came across this on Twitter, shit creek consulting. Hugh MacLeod writes that ‘The name of their company implies they have a lot of attitude. They wanted a cartoon that conveyed this.’ And they got it, check the link above.

Shitcreek Consulting has a nice looking homepage that explains their business concept. They sum it up as:

This is Shitcreek Consulting… the guys you call when you find yourself up Shitcreek without… well, a paddle.

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