I came across this quote today:
Sex is one of the nine reasons for reincarnation,
the other eight are unimportant.
Henry Miller
It made me smile…
I came across this quote today:
Sex is one of the nine reasons for reincarnation,
the other eight are unimportant.
Henry Miller
It made me smile…
I know I am late on this but last night I watched the movie What The Bleep Do We Know!? and I loved it. The movie is an interesting mix, sharing knowledge and ideas but also raising questions.
The following quote stuck in my mind, it fits perfectly with my inquisitive mind.
Don’t be in the know, be in the mystery.
I got so interested that I have ordered the book which is an extension to the movie. In this case the movie came first.
This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.
My yogateacher Cristiaana had an event on New Years Eve with a speech and yoga class. All of us also got an affirmation, she had written different ones and put them in envelopes that we got at random. I got this affirmation:
The way is not in the sky,
The way is in the heart.
This is perfectly inline with my own thinking. I have been working with the book Your Best Year Yet – The 10 questions that will change your life forever and as part of the process you create guidelines. One of mine says “Trust my heart and inner truth”.
This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.
Three friends of mine have been in India and bought me a present. I got a small statue of Ganesh or Ganesha, the Hindu Elephant-Deity. I of course had to find out more about this god and what I found is very interesting and matches me in many ways.
Ganesh is the Hindu God of knowledge and the remover of obstacles or God of elimination of troubles. He is also called Ganapati (leader of people), Buddhividhata ( god of knowledge ), or Vighnahara (god to remove obstacles).
The son of Shiva and Parvati, Ganesha has an elephantine countenance with a curved trunk and big ears, and a huge pot-bellied body of a human being. He is the Lord of success and destroyer of evils and obstacles. He is also worshipped as the god of education, knowledge, wisdom and wealth.
It is interesting to read about the Significance of the Ganesha Form. I also found an image that lists the symbolisms.
I believe in life long learning, gathering and sharing knowledge. Both as coach and healer I work with removal of obstacles and elimination of troubles.
There is also a Ganesha Mudra (hand yoga) that “can be employed whenever you are struggling. Symbolizes strength when facing troubles. Eases tension.”
Read more:
Ganesha at Wikipedia
Ganesha: Lord of Success
This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.
Today my yoga teacher talked about Sat Nam, an interesting topic which makes me understand why she called her website “Truth is your identity”.
Wikipedia said this about Sat Nam:
In Sanskrit, “sat” means “truth” and “nam” means “identity”. There are many differing interpretations when you put the two together – some websites have given the following interpretations: “truth is my identity” and “The essence of God is within me”.
Other common interpretations include: “in name there is truth” and “the light shines in you”; light being a metaphor for truth just like in mystical Kabbalistic teachings. The words themselves have a soothing and centering quality due to their monosyllabic nature, similar to sounds made by babies.
The Kundalini Yoga website lists SAT NAM among mantras:
SAT NAM is the Seed Mantra or Bij Mantra and it is the most widely used in the practice of Kundalini Yoga. Sat means the Truth; Nam means to call upon, name or identify with. Sat Nam means Truth is my identity and I call upon the eternal Truth that resides in all of us. Chanting this mantra awakens the Soul, and more simply means “really”. It is pronounced to rhyme with “But Mom!”
Both “truth is my identity” and “The essence of God is within me” are powerful statements.
This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.
Coaching often is about goals and making dreams come through. I got my coach training in the fall of 2007. During 2008 I have shared my time between Logica and my own coaching business. My heart is in coaching, I have found my passion, yet I stayed at Logica.
When Logica in December decided to downsize a window of opportunity opened for me. I got an offer to leave on short notice, we signed the deal today. This means I leave Logica at the end of December and from 2009 it is my coaching business that gets my undivided attention.
This will be an interesting ride, I intend to make 2009 my best year yet, wish me luck.
This was originally posted at Forty Plus Two, another blog of mine.
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