Author: Bengt (Page 74 of 81)

The Journey by Brandon Bays

The Journey is a concept created by Brandon Bays. It is also the title of a book. I bought the book last summer and read it. The first half of the book is about Brandon healing herself from a tumor, the second half is about the concept used to solve more mental issues.

I did two sessions of The Journey last summer, after reading the book and with a therapist I trust. The method worked very well for me and I like the fact that each session handled everything for an issue, no loose ends when leaving.

There is of course some critique of Brandon Bays’ The Journey, some call it just another version of NLP. But that is no problem for me, as long as the method works and you can find a therapist to trust.

This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.

The Cosmic Ordering Service

Bärbel Mohr has written a book called “The Cosmic Ordering Service”. On the back of the book it says “Barbel Mohr can teach you how to fulfill all your wishes – just by placing an order with the universe”.

I am not sure about her promises but I like the book anyway. It is a lesson in positive thinking, figuring out what we want, wishing for it and then keeping our eyes and mind open to possibilities. In many ways it sounds similar to the “Law of Attraction – The Secret”.

This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.

Van Gogh and Amsterdam

When in Amsterdam we went to the Van Gogh Museum. This museum has the world´s largest collection of Vincent van Gogh: more than 200 paintings, 500 drawings and 700 letters as well as van Gogh´s own collection of Japanese prints.

We went there on a Friday, the museum is open longer (until ten) and there is music in the evening. The exhibition is great with many beautiful paintings.

My favourite painting is called “Almond blooms”. It is – to me – different from his other paintings. This one has much more life, joy and energy. People have commented that this painting looks Asian. Probably Van Gogh was influenced by some of his Japanese prints.

There is another website, The Vincent van Gogh Gallery, where you can browse Vincent van Gogh’s works and letters in a complete online catalogue.

This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.

Rembrandt and Amsterdam

I have been in Amsterdam and while there we went to Rijksmuseum – National Museum of Art and History. While the restoration of the main building is underway, the Rijksmuseum displays the crème de la crème of its permanent collection in the Philips Wing. The exhibition is titled “The Masterpieces” and offers the unique opportunity to view all the highlights of the Golden Age in one place.

One of the paintings shown is of course the famous “Night Watch”, a large and beautiful painting (see image). We went to the museum on a Saturday. Word of advice, do like we did and go early. That way you avoid long lines waiting to get in and it is less crowded inside which makes it easier to get a good view of the paintings.

This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.

The consultant and the shepherd

Once upon a time there was a shepherd looking after his sheep on the edge of a deserted road. Suddenly a brand new Jeep Cherokee screeches to a halt next to him.

The driver, a young man dressed in a Brioni suit, Cerrutti shoes, Ray-Ban glasses, and a YSL tie gets out and asks the sheperd – If I guess how many sheep you do have, you give me one of them?

The shepherd looks at the young man, then looks at the sheep which graze and says:
– All right.

The young man parks the car, connects the notebook and the mobile, enters a NASA site, scans the ground using his GPS, opens a data base and 60 Excel tables filled with algorithms, then prints a 150-pages
report on his high-tech mini-printer. He then turns to the shepherd and says:
– You have excactly 1586 sheep here.

The shepherd answers:
– That´s correct, you can have your sheep.

The young man takes the sheep and puts in the back of his jeep. The shepherd looks at him and asks:
– If I guess your profession, will you return my sheep to me?

The young man answers:
– Yes, why not.

The shepherd says:
– You are a consultant!

– How did you know?, asks the young man.

– Very simple, answers the shepherd.
– First, you come here without being called. Second, you charge me a sheep to tell me something I already knew. Third, you do not understand anything about what I do, because you took my dog!


Last week I was in Amsterdam for an SAP event. It was the 6th SAP International Utilities Conference 2007, around 1500 attending. The conference was Wednesday to Friday at the RAI Exhibition and Congress Center.

Thursday it was Celebration Night at a place called The Factory. We saw a performance by Blue Man Group (NL), I liked it a lot. It seems the Blue Man Group is a big concept, their live stage shows can be seen in New York, Boston, Chicago, Las Vegas, London, Berlin, Amsterdam.

We stayed over the weekend too. Amsterdam is an interesting city, easy to get around in using their trams. We stayed in Hotel V, a small hotel with only 24 rooms. The hotel is within walking distance from the RAI Conference Center and has three tram lines close by.

We were out for dinner at Restaurant SOLO and Beems Brasserie. I enjoyed both places, great food.

This was originally posted at another (now extinct) blog of mine.

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